Every new Entrant into the world of Business comes with a huge hope and aim to get a successful position in the Industry. However not all get their dreams fulfilled. Many players wash their hands off for being unable to face the competitions and Business rivalry that is common in any industry.

Making large sum of Money is not SUCCESS. Bringing a Smile in many People’s faces is SUCCESS.

As a Businessman or a Self Employed person, it takes your hard work, Efficiency and Persistence to Succeed. There are so many books and Authors, who speak different versions of Success. There are different thoughts on how to achieve success. But, all these Books and Authors say everything that lets you to the path of SUCCESS.

I have briefed about few points below, which may help every Common Man in their path of Success.

1.      Being Passionate about what you do: When you start a Business entity, or a self-employment – you need to have clarity about your Passion. Even if you are on a lookout for a Job, you find that job, which you are interested to do, rather than joining any Job offered in the market. Your whole-hearted involvement is absolute necessity for a Company to grow and to lead you to the topmost step of SUCCESS.

2.      Move up the Ladder - step by step: When you are just a start-up, you should not take big steps in the beginning. Just like a baby, you need to take small steps at a time, to avoid undue risks. Risk Management is a vital concern for small businesses and start up entities. Even if you are Job Holder, you need to understand your company’s work culture and environment, before jumping into big decision making and falling into the trap set by your rivals.

3.      Helping nature: If you have a nature of helping others, it will take you high up the ladder. People who help others, will in turn get helped by others. So if you give others an opportunity to understand their potentials, in turn they will help you understand yours and together you will make a very good path of Success.

4.      Self-Discipline and Self-Control: Be Disciplined and control yourselves when you are moving away from your Passion and Goals. Set your standards higher than what People commonly expect out of you. You should be responsible for your words and actions, only then you can achieve SUCCESS.

5.      Be OPEN to Learning: A Successful Person is always open to learning new things. Most successful Entrepreneurs were successful employees before starting on their own. You need to learn from the mistakes of your predecessors, competitors, and other people in the industry. If you had a excellent mentor when you start in the industry, you will learn more quickly and also it will be good foundation for building your steps to SUCCESS.

6.      Confidence: You have to be confident enough to speak to your Client keeping Client’s needs in focus. You need to speak efficient enough to persuade the client to buy the product from you, when you are clear that the client needs the product and if not from you, he will be buying from outside. Do not lose the client who is in hand. Convincing skills and confidence is the best tools for getting a sale for any business.

7.      Punctuality: Being an Entrepreneur or a starter of Career is like 24/7 - NO sick days, NO leave. Every minute you need to make brief assessment and make your move. You can’t afford to analyse deep down the tunnel and be at the same point where it started. You need to be punctual, think Business, do Business and breathe Business.

8.      Plan: Successful Business or a Successful Career has to be planned well. Just don’t go where the life takes you. Your path to success has to be written and planned by you. If you don’t have a plan, it is like you wake up in the morning to know that you have one more day to live. Planning your Success Path will lead you to the top with ease.

9.      Let people know: If you are a startup or part of a Marketing oriented career, you need to let people know of your profile and products. Building a website, Blog or profile with details of your products, services, people etc would help a lot to succeed. It would also help you to build trust and expertise.

10.  Better Late than Never: To start a career that is linked to your passion, is never too late. There are examples of people who started even at the age of 60s and then achieved success.

11.  Building a Successful TEAM: As I said before, SUCCESS is measure by the number of faces you bring smiles on. So you have to build a successful TEAM who can promote your brand, who can support you, who can bring innovation and culture to your organization, people on whom you can rely upon at any time. This will ensure confidence and revenue to the Startup.

12.  Attitude: The attitude of yourself will set a foundation for the Success Path. Accepting your mistakes and Learning from it will help in success at large rate. Motivating your subordinates, peers, co-workers will also help you in your path to success. Laziness, gossip mentality, negativity, will pull you away from your Success Path. So never give way for negative attitude in your life.

13.  Never Criticize: Never criticize others, be it your enemy, Business rival or your own co-worker or Team player. Be silent observer and learn from what mistakes they do and what consequences they face. This will help you in your endeavours in one way or the other.

 “Whatever you can do or dream, you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Success can be achieved only when you are disciplined, positive minded, and self- motivated. Each individuals SUCCESS Path can be different. Some can be too easy, some can be too difficult. But SUCCESS is surely achieved with common characteristics like what is mentioned above.


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