Dependency on Internet

Just a Few Days back, Due to certain Havoc conditions, Internet was Suspended for almost 48 hours in the entire locality. That is the time when everyone understood that they are way too dependent on Internet for almost all of their work. Internet has moved its position from being just a tool to be a necessity of life for many people.

Earlier to find the meaning for a Word we had to depend on Dictionary, which would then be helpful in improving our knowledge of words, as it gives an option to relate one word to another and thereby improve one’s vocabulary because of the amount of involvement applied there. But now with the use of Wikipedia, Google and many other available search engines, you can get quick results to find the meaning of a word. However, your search ends there as you get immediate result. So the scope for knowledge building and improvement of your own vocabulary ends there. This is evident in the way how a Fresher answers the questions that are being asked in an Interview. I have seen that many of the Candidates who appear for Interviews recently cannot even write a simple Business Letter without referring to Google. Even their Resumes are forwarded without a Subject Line and a formally drafted mail to apply for the job. Does this indicate that there is a huge requirement of going back to old school methods of learning things?

We can also see that the Internet has changed the way we socialize with others. Earlier, everyone used to visit family members at least once a month and would enjoy a lot with their Cousins, Relatives, Uncles and Aunts etc. This kind of get-together would make us more close to our Family and Friends. The Bonding between two people would be lasting long even if they did not talk to each other every now and then. Nowadays you can see that people have thousands and lakhs of friends, followers and acquaintances online in their social Networking sites. But very few of them are actually known to you. Not all of your followers actually care for you. Some People may be just stalking you. Unless you are truly a celebrity, how on earth does it become your prestige to have huge number of followers or friends online? Professionals will definitely benefit from genuine Professional Networking sites like LinkedIn. But otherwise, Social Networking sites may just be a mean to bring harm to yourself unless carefully used.

If you have sufficient Money in your Account, and you don’t mind spending it, you can get delicious food from your favourite restaurants delivered at your doorstep. But having a thought on how it may affect your health, it is still preferable to prepare food at your own home because it will be healthy as well as you can improve on your culinary skills when you prepare food at home.

When you talk about News Updates, Internet just allows you to be updated on Real time basis unlike the Newspapers and Magazines that keep you informed long after the incidents actually happened. This will actually help you to be informed and up to date if used in right way.

Going digital in making your payments is good, but always we have to be careful about the updated security features. If you do not want to be a victim of Cyber Crime, you need to be Secured and safe while transacting online and giving out your personal data. Otherwise, you may end up losing everything that you have to fraudsters.

Internet is very vast and gets updated regularly. This will be helpful in automating many things in the world and thereby making everything easy to operate and use. It will also make us depend on Internet for doing everything. But let it have its limits. Sometimes when Internet fails, it is the old School methods that will help us survive. So let us all make use of this Internet wisely to develop ourselves and not to dupe ourselves.


  1. Excellent article on today's use of information technology which is having both good as well as bad. It is up to the user how well the user understands it and effectively use it. Thanks and very nice way to read out for kids too.


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